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Monthly donations / membership

Small individual donations can greatly support the work of "Chanzo Kenya" for women and children without having a major impact on your lifestyle.


You have the choice to choose a specific project or to leave the donation purpose open and we use your donation directly for the most urgent project - in any case your donation goes 1: 1 to Kenya in the Chanzo projects in the village of Mwandogo



so that 1 family gets corn + beans for 1 month


for a Baba Moto stove for 1 family (saves energy and wood, less CO2 emissions)


for the purchase of seeds for various plants


so that 1 child gets Uji breakfast porridge every morning for a month


for 80 meters of plastic water pipes for well construction


for 10 bags of cement for the construction of water tanks, gutters or tanks


for school material for the start of a child in the secondary school

