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would you like to donate?

Support the village of Mwandogo and Chanzo Kenya's projects with a regular donation.


100% of your donations go to the project of your choice - specify the purpose in the corresponding column.


Without mentioning specific use - as a so-called free donation - your donation generally goes to the campaigns where it is currently most needed - always in favor of children and women in Mwandogo - Kenya. This enables us to act directly in emergency situations.


Donations of up to 200 euros can be submitted to the German tax office with the payment receipt for the transfer without a donation receipt (donation confirmation). (simplified proof of donation). For other countries please check with your taxation office.


If you would like a donation receipt, please tick the appropriate box under “Donation receipt required” or enter your complete address details on your transfer. From a donation of € 10, we issue donation receipts. These will be sent to you automatically in the 1st quarter of the following year at the latest. If you would like a donation receipt directly, please let us know.

    Payment frequency* 
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Mit * markierte Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden.

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